The goal for the 2nd day was for each of us to think of some ideas... so we did.
As we spoke hour or so we came up with an idea that could be fun to play,
so the graphic part is on the way.
I think i should make all the graphics in day or max 2 so that Drvarek can work hes part of job
with not such a big pressure :)
OK. what where the ideas.?
Firstly we had some similar ideas so the choice was not on a big list :)
Well, there were some kind of puzzle styles so we throw that in the garbage.
Some "don't let the leaves fall on the ground","sink the leaves","save some % of the healthy leaves",and some kind of collecting points with them(this ideas wasn't clear to me)...
But the last one i mentioned was the winner for the time.
It was some kind of take the leave from position A to position B...
Then Drvarek started to ask me about how do i imagine the game play for it(he explained what he meant with the idea to me before that) and i didn't think for long.
We talked and talked what is good in that, what's not and suddenly we were off of the idea :D
After some time i came up with a new idea:
Like you were the leaf who felt from the tree in some radioactive suspension and become an Super-Leaf with sticky hands. The goal was to climb back to the place from which you have felt off. Of course on the way up there would be traps weight problem,branches that plug ect ect.
This idea was kinda OK but Drvarek suggest that we replace the leaf with an bug that eats the leaves and become more and more heavier, gaining more chance to fall off the tree or something like that, so the player should be careful where to eat, what to eat ect.
That was some mix of Drvarek's and mines idea so we decide to make it so..
More info coming soon